This film is represented by Sagittabonda Distribution.

ELECTRA WASP  (2023) is an experimental animated biographical film about the death and life of trailblazing pilot Amelia Earhart.

It is a retrospective of her emotional world and an exploration of what drove her to pursue her passion for flying. This film was made possible with the support of the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum and the Purdue University Archives of her Life and Career. Visual material and anecdotes collected from the AEBM was done in person and via conversation with the volunteers at the property. Material from the Purdue Archives was used with permission and in an educational context.

All animation, backgrounds, collages, compositing and visual development was provided by the students of SCAD and volunteers.


ELECTRA WASP (2023) is a short film I directed at SCAD for my graduate thesis. ELECTRA WASP is flying towards a film fest near you! Follow us on social media!

Hayajneh_Wasan_Weaving the Polythematic Fabric of Story_sm


Download my thesis for a detailed breakdown of the film’s production!


The proof of concept above was produced in three weeks as a final project for SCAD’s Animation Aesthetics class. It is meant to showcase the flavor and style of the film to come. Animation and cleanup was completed in Toon Boom Harmony, and backgrounds were created through a combination of photocollage and digital painting in Photoshop. Titles, color grading and other effects were implemented in Premiere and After Effects. I was responsible for all aspects of production, from design to storyboards to implementation.

It is set to I See The Moon by Sleep Party People ft. Lisa Light.





 First pass turnaround, not final

Final turnaround (Finn Kulers, Angela Enaiho, Jade Walker)


Directed by
Wasan Hayajneh 

Produced by
Jan Kim Moon, Joseph O’Hailey and Tatiana Teixeira

Script by
Wasan Hayajneh, Tatiana Teixeira and Yuting Shao

Visual Development by
Nicole Aguilera, Gabrielle Williams and Jade Walker

Storyboards by
Wasan Hayajneh, Gina Anzures, Tatiana Teixeira, Yuting Shao,
Abigail Ding, Batz Keene, Angela Enaiho and Joseph O’Hailey

Animation Director
Finn Kulers

Animation by
Wasan Hayajneh, Yu-Fong Chen, Arthur Leach, Alan Burton,
Abigail Ding, Linh Nguyen, Selin Na, and Ke’Shaun Grant

Background Director
Caleb Nelson

Backgrounds by
Annika Elyse, Sarah Van Ess, Carla Figari, Felipe Baral-Secchi
and Trinity Ansah 

Assets and Characters by
Angela Enaiho, Mya Odom, Finn Kulers, Vex Vear, Jade Walker
and Danielle Tate

3D Department
Dominique Ebron, Andrea Lacher and Amanda Vidal

Michael Benedict

Featuring Teri Parker-Brown as Amelia Earhart